Acts of terrorism and mass violence can have a devastating impact on individuals, communities and societies. There is a range of effects on a wide group of people, from shock and dismay, to protests, and revenge attacks on those that seem "responsible."
Many of our complex trauma and dissociative clients have difficulties when their therapists take time off for a myriad of reasons such as regulation dependency, fear of abandonment, developmental wounds, insecure/anxious attachment styles and/or punishing introject states.
America is in the midst of a suicide crisis. Earlier this year, the Center for Disease Control released statistics showing that the rate of suicide increased by 33% between 1999 and 2017. Since 2008, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for all ages.
There is some current controversy over whether it is necessary to work directly with all dissociative parts or only to work with parts through the “adult self” in clients with DID. This workshop will describe problems that have led some clinicians to emphasize working solely through the adult self, such as dependency of child parts, chaotic switching, and unwillingness of the adult self of the client to engage in treatment.
Dissociative Amnesia (DA) is a dissociative disorder in DSM-5 and also a diagnostic criterion symptom of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Dissociative Identity Disorder. This presentation will overview and updates recent studies and comprehensive reviews of DA.
Over the past decade, meditation and yoga have become increasingly popular in mental health treatment and in the world at large. While the practices can be helpful, clients will receive the most benefit from work that is trauma informed and delivered with an understanding of how these healing mechanisms impact the mind, brain and body.
One of the biggest factors to successful treatment of children with disruptive behaviors and intense emotions is how to overcome resistance to treatment. Resistance is natural when change is required.
In the most recent version of the DSM-5, providers repeatedly exposed to details of abuse are included in the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Beyond vicarious and secondary trauma, this highlights the real risk providers face of developing PTSD like symptoms themselves when mired in the duty of supporting those recovering from traumatic experiences.
Attachment theory and research is an area of ongoing development, with profound implications for the field of mental health. Some of its most recent developments have been in the clinical application of its concepts to psychotherapeutic work.
Almost 35 years ago the first functional brain imaging study in an individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) was performed using positron emission tomography (PET). This study of the resting brain found hyperperfusion in the right temporal lobe (Mathew et al., 1985) a region that was also identified as a possible neurostructural biomarker for DID in the latest brain imaging study of the presenter (Reinders et al. 2019).