Abstracts"Faking it:" Stigma as a Barrier to Accessing and Continuing Mental Health Treatment among People who DissociateOnly 28-48% of people with
AbstractThe racial justice protests of 2020 were an opportunity to unite people of all backgrounds.
AbstractElectroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback has been shown to alter critical brain networks associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resulting in sym
This two-day virtual seminar will challenge the either/or qualities of many trauma-relevant approaches and paradigms and demonstrate how psychoanalytic perspectives can enrich and empower our thera
AbstractArising from a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers, autoimmune diseases are a group of chronic disorders in which the body’s immun
AbstractWhat is your ethical responsibility to clients with dissociation interacting who utilize online resources for support and social media?
In a world that is constantly in flux, this recorded conference aims to explore a variety of topics that lend to supporting and building greater safety, stability, and hope amidst ongoing change an
Day Two of this virtual event featured a plenary workshop by Frank Corrigan and four of 90-minute presentations.