• Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Advanced
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
​​​​​​​The webinar is based on the presenter’s experience of providing consultative supervision to practitioners working with RAMCOA. It explores how the impact of work with deeply disturbing material poses unique challenges to the supervisory relationship, calls existing frameworks for practice into question and can be experienced as undermining of established competencies by both supervisor and supervisee.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Advanced
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
​​​​​​​Ongoing incest during adulthood almost invariably incorporates one or more forms of organised sexual and other abuse - whether it be multi-generational familial sexual abuse, the involvement of groups of workmates and others associated with the father, organised child and adult prostitution, or groups of abusers associated with churches or cults.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
This presentation features ways to understand and utilize blending skills for a variety of of problem situations faced by clinicians treating dissociative disorders. Our understanding of the development of alters in the lives of our patients/clients rests on the view that they emerge into consciousness in order to solve life problems encountered by abused children.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
While the neuroscience of trauma has become a burgeoning field in recent times, it is often difficult for clinicians to translate the research findings into clinically relevant signs and symptoms and to integrate this knowledge into treatment planning.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Recorded Audio/Video Conference
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
  • 1.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
The goal of this webinar is to resource the listener so that the listener can avoid Vicarious Traumatization, Secondary Traumatic Stress and burnout while experiencing compassion satisfaction and professional growth.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
Stage Two therapy consists of working through and processing trauma while maintaining stability in life and in the therapeutic relationship. The power of the trauma frequently destabilizes both the client and the therapist, leading to reenactments and experiences of being stuck.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
​​​​​​​This session will present the findings of an Australian interview study with women disclosing organised abuse in adulthood and the mental health professionals who support them. Organised abuse refers to the sexual abuse of multiple children by multiple perpetrators acting in a coordinated way, and is reported by a significant minority of clients in dissociative disorder clinics.
  • 1.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
There are several patterns and behaviors that are common in survivors of ritualized abuse, and these show up in therapy in ways that impact treatment and the therapeutic relationship. Being able to identify those common themes helps both therapist and client see both the adaptive value in them, and how they need to change to allow the client to become self-empowered and free. This workshop focuses on identifying those common patterns and behaviors, and how they need to evolve.
  • 1.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
Recognition of ritual abuse and mind control in survivors is complex, as they often present with clues that are not obvious to a clinician unfamiliar with this more complex and severe type of trauma. This presentation will provide an overview of the clinical features and clues that ritual abuse and mind control may be present in the background of a client, despite apparently unrelated presenting problems. Participants will be introduced to both government (Monarch/MkUltra) and cult mind control programming. A brief understanding of how it can be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder will also be included.
  • 1.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
