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Victims of organized abuse, in particular mind control and ritual abuse, frequently have deliberately designed personality systems with parts trained to maintain the security of the perpetrator group. Survivors' physical safety is endangered by parts trained to maintain ongoing contact with perpetrators. I shall discuss the different kinds of access training, with suggestions for preventing and avoiding ongoing access. Survivors are also endangered by parts trained to punish the person for forbidden behavior such as disclosures, so that telling secrets results in decompensation. I shall talk about the structure of the organized personality system, internal hierarchies, the role of punisher parts and their bosses, and ways to prevent or stop symptoms such as emotional flooding, pain, and self-harm which result from punisher parts doing their jobs.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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Whilst the international community has become increasingly aware and accepting of the dangers of abuse whether through cyber grooming and bullying, trafficking, abuse by family and others, )i.e. multiperpetrator abuse), Ritual Abuse, also known as Ritualistic abuse or sadistic abuse, still lacks acceptance. This places victims at greater risk and adds to the problems faced by mental health professionals.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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​​​​​​​An important goal in dissociative disorders treatment has always been the achievement of co-consciousness. An antidote to amnestic barriers that prevent information exchange and often contribute to high-risk behaviors “behind the back” of the client, co-consciousness has many clinical benefits. By facilitating the client’s ability to recognize the parts’ voices, points of view, and belief systems as differentiated from their own, it increases the degree to which clients can maintain continuity of self over time.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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This Webinar, based on the presenter’s 35 years experience with medication management of severely traumatized dissociative individuals, will address the role of psychopharmacology and somatic treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the treatment of patients with complex trauma (CT) and dissociative disorders. (DD), in particular dissociative identity disorder (DID).
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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For many years, the practice of psychotherapy for dissociative disorders was largely focused on working with adult survivors. Over the last 10 to 15 years, there has been increased recognition and focus on working with younger trauma survivors in developmentally appropriate ways to more effectively reduce or eliminate the need for dissociative processes as an ongoing coping mechanism. A clear advantage of this approach is that the earlier developmentally these coping mechanisms are addressed, the less firmly entrenched they are.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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Over the past decade, meditation and yoga have become increasingly popular in mental health treatment and in the world at large. While the practices can be helpful, clients will receive the most benefit from work that is trauma informed and delivered with an understanding of how these healing mechanisms impact the mind, brain and body.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
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​​​​​​​Substantial numbers of patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder at the time of presentation as adults report incestuous abuse continuing into the adult years and for many, the abuse is current and ongoing. Data relating to a series of 10 such incestuously abused women is presented. Such patients usually have been sexually abused from a very early age (typically from under age 3), with the manipulation of their sexual response a key component in conditioning an enduring sexualized attachment, at the same time shame and fear are used as key components in maintaining compliance and silence.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Advanced
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Therapists can be overwhelmed by working with clients with frequent crises that threaten the life, safety, and health of the client. Often, clients suffering from Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders present with a phenomenal array of crisis events. Therapists often struggle with the complexity, frequency, and severity of these events, and their overwhelming emotional toll on both client and therapist.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
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​​​​​​​In the wake of traumatic experience, survivors tend to be overwhelmed by intense emotions and body sensations, loss of faith in the universe, and unrelenting punitive introspection. Addictive craving and behavior seem to offer an ‘out,’ the promise of blessed relief from both the emotional and somatic overwhelm. The result is the frequent co-occurrence of addictive disorders that ultimately poses an equal or even greater threat to the patient as do the trauma symptoms.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Enduring
  • Webinar Recording
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
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The Office Mental Status Exam for Dissociative Disorders was originally developed to assist psychiatric residents with assessment of complex dissociative and posttraumatic psychopathologies. Accordingly, it uses a phenomological approach to symptom clusters that commonly appear in patients with dissociative disorders and complex PTSD. This system was designed at a time when diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder (then multiple personality disorder) was primarily based in attempts to elicit alter self states, often by using hypnosis or similar intrusive methods.
  • 3.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
