This 90-minute webinar will explains how to recognize and decode the dissociative surface, and how to make interventions based on a process that may never be conveyed in a completely verbal form. Several other approaches to understanding the process of the dissociative patient are also explored.
This 90-minute presentation reviews Innate Affect Theory, explains the relationships among various affects and dissociation, and suggests therapeutic strategies to overcome their deleterious impact upon the dissociative patient’s state of mind and interpersonal behavior.
As therapists continue to see a need for increased trauma-informed services and approaches to mental health, becoming attuned to the differences between simple trauma, complex trauma, and dissociat
This webinar will explore the emerging empirical literature on shame and dissociation in complex trauma disorders. Clinical and theoretical accounts have long noted the challenges in working with shame in individuals exposed to interpersonal violence, and more recent work espouses the importance of working with shame (e.g, Chefetz, 2015; Herman, 2011; Kluft, 2007).