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- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
Recent research suggests that in betrayal trauma, where the child is the object of the others violence, they can become an aggressor later in life. Trauma and violence are integrally linked. A shattered self, leads to a shattered world through internalization, splitting, (projective) identification, etc. The process of hate begins with the splitting of the “good” self from the “bad” self. The “bad” self is dissociated-in the shadow- and is projected onto the other. The other-the enemy- holds the qualities of the “bad” self. The other is demonized.
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- 11.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
As therapists continue to see a need for increased trauma-informed services and approaches to mental health, becoming attuned to the differences between simple trauma, complex trauma, and dissociation is essential for determining how to proceed with respect to providing relevant treatment. By widening the lens through which therapists view and understand trauma, they make space for improved treatment outcomes and a more attuned therapeutic approach that lends to a more client-centered therapy that is tailored to each client’s unique needs and symptoms.