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  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
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  • Conference
  • 3.00 EMDRI...See more
It is well-established in both the EMDR therapy and complex trauma-dissociative disorders literatures that self-state/parts-focused work with clients is frequently not only helpful but also necessary to achieve stabilization/containment, trauma resolution, and integration of treatment gains into how a person functions in day-to-day life.
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  • 9.00 APASee more
  • 9.00 ASWB ACE
This two-day virtual seminar will challenge the either/or qualities of many trauma-relevant approaches and paradigms and demonstrate how psychoanalytic perspectives can enrich and empower our therapeutic efforts. We will explore the constructive perspectives that emerge from an alternative both/and stance, choosing to understand, reconcile, and work around differences, permitting clinicians to mobilize the power of divergent models and contributions on behalf of the therapeutic needs of individual patients.
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
AbstractFreud’s theory of instincts and attachment theory are often perceived as oppositional approaches. Most crucially, the two theories differ on the question of whether trauma originates from inside the psyche, as a product of internal conflict between innate instincts (psychoanalysis), or is a result of external assault from which the person was not adequately protected by another person (attachment theory). For clinicians and researchers in the field of trauma and dissociation, such disagreement can appear completely unbridgeable. 
  • 1.50 APASee more
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
