Shame-Sensitive and Dignity-Affirming Practice

In light of the contemporary research and calls for more nuanced understandings of trauma and its impacts, as well as affiliated trauma and violence informed approaches, care and practice, the ISSTD proposes to develop and trial a pilot model. This model aims to improve the capability of services and systems to respond to complex trauma and dissociation. The core principles of the model that distinguish it from existing TIC offerings are that it will be dissociation-informed, shame-sensitive and dignity-affirming. The main aims of this model will be to:

  1. Increase capacity to identify and intervene early in complex trauma and dissociation
  2. Build awareness of the dynamics of, and connections between, trauma, dissociation, and shame in a service context, thus strengthening shame-sensitive and dignity-affirming practice with clients
  3. Promote dignity-affirming practice amongst services and practices that acknowledges, understands, minimizes and/or mitigates the health and psychosocial impacts of trauma and dissociation on children, adults, families and communities
  4. Integrate a practice component with the care component of TIC so the joint focus of trauma informed care and practice is highlighted. Trauma informed practice generally refers to clinical intervention, whereas trauma informed care refers to the organizational contexts within which services are provided to clients (Knight, 2019). Trauma informed practice reminds practitioners and organizations to take into account the different environments and experiences that have impacted clients resulting in trauma and associated outcomes and coping strategies, such as dissociation. Trauma informed practice also requires practitioners to recognize the impact their work has on them, to develop their own care plans, and expect that their workplaces/organizations provide safe and healthy working environments (Knight, 2018).
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