Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Clients with Complex Trauma and Dissociation (2025 Ethics Virtual Seminar)

May 1, 2025
This presentation aim to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of ethical practices in trauma therapy, enhancing their ability to navigate complex therapeutic situations responsibly and effectively. We will examine our own countertransference, including both positive (e.g., admiration) and negative (e.g., frustration), and explore the ethical management of enactments that have the potential to derail therapy.  Additionally, we will address treating traumatized clients who have personality disorders or traits, focusing on ethically managing dangerous or aggressive behaviors, and how to make ethical decisions about when and how to flex or maintain therapy boundaries. We will explore the ethics of the therapeutic relationship and attachment, including how to conceptualize the relationship so that it becomes a steppingstone to improve the agency of the client, rather than fostering dependence.  We are told to create a secure attachment with clients, but what does this actually look like in concrete terms of emotional connection, care, and boundaries? When is it important to work with a single part of self versus the whole self and what ethical dilemmas may occur when working with dissociative parts? The ethical dilemmas of both short- and long-term trauma therapies will be considered. We will discuss ethical considerations of whether to end treatment with non-progressing clients in favor of helping those who might benefit more, and whether or not the “attachment relationship” should be the most important aspect of treatment for those who do not progress. Lastly, we will explore the ethical dilemmas inherent in trauma approaches themselves. For example, do some approaches focus too much on content? Is trauma always the most important factor contributing to the client’s distress? What are the ethics of supporting a client in viewing themselves as a victim and when might this be counterproductive? These and other issues will be open for discussion.

Target Audience


Learning Objectives

Upon Completion of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify when it may be therapeutic to work with a single part of a dissociative client, and when this may not be appropriate, and discuss the ethical dilemmas that may arise in this specific work
  • Develop strategies for the ethical management of trauma enactments that could potentially derail therapy
  • Employ at least five strategies to maintain an ethical stance in the treatment of personality traits and disorders
  • Make informed ethical decisions about maintaining or flexing therapy boundaries in complex therapeutic situations
  • Conceptualize the therapeutic relationship to foster client agency rather than dependence and understand what the therapeutic relationship looks like in practice
  • Evaluate the ethical implications of trauma-focused approaches and determine when focusing on trauma content or viewing the client as a victim may be counterproductive
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 6.00 APA
    The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
  • 6.00 ASWB ACE
    The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), #1744, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 08/20/2024 – 08/20/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 6.00 continuing education credits.
  • 6.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 6.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/01/2025 - 10:00am EDT
Event ends: 
05/01/2025 - 6:00pm EDT
ISSTD Member cost:
Your Price:

Timed Outline
Introduction and Overview (60 Minutes)

  • Welcome and objectives
  • Introduction to the importance of ethical practices in trauma therapy
  • Discussion of the ethical complexities in treating clients with complex trauma and dissociation

Countertransference and Ethical Management (60 Minutes)

  • Examining countertransference: positive and negative aspects
  • Strategies for ethically managing enactments that could derail therapy

Break (30 Minutes)

Personality Traits, Disorders, and Ethical Boundaries (60 Minutes)

  • Ethical considerations in treating traumatized clients with personality disorders or traits
  • Managing dangerous or aggressive behaviors ethically
  • Deciding if, when, and how to flex or maintain therapy boundaries

Meal Break (60 Minutes)

The Therapeutic Relationship and Attachment (60 Minutes)

  • Conceptualizing the therapeutic relationship to foster client agency
  • Understanding secure attachment in therapy: What are we really supposed to offer?

Working with Dissociative Parts and Ethical Dilemmas (60 Minutes)

  • When to work with a single part of self versus the whole self
  • Ethical dilemmas in working with dissociative parts

Break (30 Minutes)

Trauma Approaches and Ethical Considerations (60 Minutes)

  • Short- and long-term trauma therapy ethical dilemmas
  • Deciding whether to end treatment with non-progressing clients
  • Ethics of trauma approaches: content focus, victim perspective, and counterproductive aspects
  • Open discussion and Q&A

    Kathy Steele, MN, CS
    Kathy Steele, MN, CS has been in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia since 1985. She is also an Adjunct Faculty at Emory University. She graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelors in Nursing in 1978 and from Emory University with a Masters in Psych/Mental Health Nursing in 1983. She worked at Grady Memorial Hospital for several years in her early career in psychiatric triage as well as outpatient work with severely mentally ill clients, with a focus on schizophrenia. From 1991-1995 she was Clinical Director of an inpatient program for trauma and dissociation at CPC Parkwood Hospital in Atlanta. Subsequently, she was Clinical Director for a nonprofit low cost psychotherapy clinic in Atlanta, Metropolitan Counseling Services, from 1995-2016. Kathy is a Fellow and a past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), and also served two terms on the Board of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Since 2008 she has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. She is the recipient of several awards for her clinical and published works, including the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award, the Cornelia Wilbur Award, and the Pierre Janet Writing Award from ISSTD. She received a Distinguished Alumni Award from Emory University in 2006. She has authored numerous publications in the field of trauma and dissociation, including three books, and many book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles. She is sought as a consultant and supervisor, and as an international lecturer on topics related to trauma, dissociation, attachment, and psychotherapy.

    Continuing education credits are available for an additional fee for this seminar. For those who do not purchase CE credits and are awarded ISSTD Certificate Program credits, no certificate will be generated.

    Available Credit

    • 6.00 APA
      The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
    • 6.00 ASWB ACE
      The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), #1744, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 08/20/2024 – 08/20/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 6.00 continuing education credits.
    • 6.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
      This program is eligible for 6.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.


    ISSTD Member cost:
    Your Price:
    Please login or register to take this course.

    "Your Price" above reflects your final price based on your membership status and career level. 

    • ISSTD defines a student as those enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree or certification in the mental health field and who have an interest in trauma and dissociation. 
    • ISSTD defines an emerging professional as mental health professionals who have completed an advanced degree and are in the first three years of their career (or first three years after graduation for researchers).
    • If you do not fall into one of the above categories please register as Professional/Retired. 

    These prices are for Tier I countries. For a list of countries by Tier click here. If you are located in a country that falls into Tier II-VI please contact ISSTD at [email protected] to receive the appropriate discount code. 

    Registration Policies
    Cancellations prior to the webinar are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds are provided for no shows. The deadline for cancellations with a refund is April 25, 2025 at 5:00pm US Eastern Time. Requests for cancellation should be sent to [email protected].