Internal Communication Skill Building in Adults with Dissociative Identity Disorder

Important Training Information

Betrayal trauma, neglect, and abuse sets in motion the development of internal and external conflicts and complicated attachment styles. Internal conflicts are driven by competing narratives and perspectives, with the goal of safety and survival. Paradoxically, these protective strategies increase vulnerability and the risk of further harm. Complex trauma responses include, but are not limited to, self-harm, substance misuse, psychosis, somatization, and dissociative identity disorder (DID). Further, epigenetics informs that unaddressed trauma impacts health risk to both the survivor and future generations.

Internal communication creates a foundation upon which inner resources can be strengthened, and alternative perspectives and narratives developed, which in turn, enable a more skillful approach to current life situations. Through shared understanding and compassion, solutions to inner conflicts are negotiated, the necessity for dissociation is reduced, and the door to living fully in the present is opened.

Utilizing the framework of structural dissociation theory and employing the characters from the popular fairy-tale Snow White as metaphors for parts of the DID system, this workshop explores the roles, functions, attachment styles and shame responses of parts commonly found in a dissociative system. Three approaches to facilitate internal communication will be explored: talking through to parts, listening to the body and artwork.

A non-pathologizing approach, this workshop outlines a pathway to healing from attachment and trauma-based conflicts, comprising didactic and experiential components, illustrated with case examples to highlight the concepts presented.

Timed Outline
15 Minutes - Creating a Framework: Structural Dissociation
10 Minutes - Functionality of Negative Symptoms and Behaviour: The Problem is Not the Problem
30 Minutes - Attachment and Shame Dynamics in Treatment
35 Minutes - Introducing Parts: The Snow White Metaphor, Q&A
15 Minutes - Building Blocks for Internal Communication
20 Minutes - Talking Through to Parts with Case Examples
20 Minutes - Communication Through the Body with Case Examples
20 Minutes -  Communication Through Artwork with Case Examples
15 Minutes - Question & Answer (with original live audience)

This session was originally presented as a live conference session in April 2021.

Target Audience


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this session participants will be able to:

  • Recognize and outline the protective role and function of parts of the DID system
  • Differentiate between attachment styles and identify the associated needs of different parts of the DID system
  • Apply three approaches to assist internal communication between parts of the DID system
  • Identify activation of internal Karpman’s triangle and facilitate conflict resolution between parts of the DID system
  • Differentiate four shame responses and the role of shame in internal conflicts
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 3.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 3.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.
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Presenter: Naomi Halpern, CQSW Grad Cert Human Rights
Presenter Bio: Naomi holds a CQSW (UK) and Grad. Cert. Human Rights. For over thirty years she has demonstrated her commitment to assist and enhance the quality of life of people who have experienced severe trauma, abuse and disadvantaged life situations. Naomi trained as a social worker in the UK. Early in her career she worked with children in emergency care, homeless youth, and convicted offenders in government and NGO’s, providing advocacy, psychosocial education, recreational opportunities, skills training, supervision and counselling. In 1987, Naomi went into private practice at The Delphi Centre, now known as Delphi Training and Consulting. She has developed expertise in therapy for complex and developmental trauma. She provides clinical consultation for post traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorders and related comorbidity, for mental health professionals working with survivors of sexual abuse, rape, gender based violence, torture and other trauma. She has a wealth of experience working with people across cultures, socioeconomic groups, faiths and sexual orientation. A skilled speaker and trainer, Naomi has presented her work in complex and developmental trauma and related comorbidity, vicarious trauma, resilience building and work-place wellbeing nationally and internationally. She provides consultation and training to government agencies, law firms and the United Nations. She is an advisory board member for the Hecht Trauma Institute, California Southern University and collaborating researcher at the International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research, The University of Haifa. Naomi is a Fellow of ISSTD.


Available Credit

  • 3.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 3.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.

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ISSTD Member cost:
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"Your Price" above reflects your final price based on your membership status and career level. 

  • ISSTD defines a student as those enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree or certification in the mental health field and who have an interest in trauma and dissociation. 
  • ISSTD defines an emerging professional as mental health professionals who have completed an advanced degree and are in the first three years of their career (or first three years after graduation for researchers).
  • If you do not fall into one of the above categories please register as Professional/Retired. 

These prices are for Tier I countries. For a list of countries by Tier click here. If you are located in a country that falls into Tier II-VI please contact ISSTD at to receive the appropriate discount code.