Misogyny, Culture, and Pornography: The Perfect Trifecta for Dissociative Sexuality

Important Training Information


In recent years, the real impact of misogyny/patriarchy (m/p) on human sexuality and, conversely, dissociated sexuality, is becoming more known. This is partly due to more media exposure regarding child sex trafficking, and availability of sexually explicit materials online. Human sexuality is a challenging topic for many people, especially those who have been sexually assaulted and sexually abused as children. In a therapeutic setting, the role that m/p play in the dynamics of sexual abuse is rarely discussed, as m/p are often tangled into a confusing web of normalized systemic sexual violence towards women and men, religious and cultural sensitivities, and lived experiences of sexual harm. This is not an easy area of comfort for many.

Within this workshop, we will share the most up-to-date research on the intersectional impact and expression of sexuality from individuals who have unresolved trauma, complex trauma, and dissociative disorders. Some areas of discussion will include the neurobiological impacts of misogyny’s and patriarchy’s influence on what constitutes healthy sexuality; culture’s impact on delivering helpful and informative sexual education and the subsequent impact on sexual development; and how pornography can be used as an opportunity for dissociative enactments of sexuality. There will also be experiential components asking clinicians to dive into (to a level that is comfortable for them) their own sexual journey and sexual biases, in hopes of guiding them to recognize when to refer and where there may be areas of re-enactment, or a repetition of unconscious systemic m/p when discussing sexuality with traumatized and dissociative clients.


Timed Outline
90 Minutes - Definitions of Misogyny, Cultural History, and Examples of misogynistic sexuality and objectification
75 Minutes - Discussions and examples of pornography's contribution of sexual objectification and the resulting dissociative response to pervasive sexual objectification
15 Minutes - Question & Answer (from original live audience)

This session was originally presented as a live conference session in April 2021.

Target Audience


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this session participants will be able to:

  • Identify harmful impacts on human sexuality that result in dissociation
  • Examine personal biases based on systemic misogyny/patriarchy
  • Differentiate between healthy sexuality and dissociative sexual practices
Course summary
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  • 3.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 3.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.
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Presenter: Christine C. Forner, BSW, MSW, SP
Presenter Bio: Christine has over thirty years’ experience working with individuals with Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Traumatic Dissociation, Developmental Trauma, and Dissociative Disorders. She has specialized training in EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Psychotherapeutic Meditation techniques, and Neurofeedback. She began her career on a crisis line for teens and subsequently on the front lines working at local sexual assault centers, long-term therapeutic settings, and shelters for domestic violence survivors. Since 2011, Christine has worked in private practice, specializing in complex trauma and dissociative disorders. Christine teaches locally and at an international level on dissociation, complex trauma, and the intersection of dissociation and mindfulness. She was the President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, served on the board of the ISSTD since 2010, and was the ISSTD treasurer from 2011-2017.

Christine is the author of Dissociation, Mindfulness, and Creative Meditations: Trauma-informed practices to facilitate growth (Routledge, 2017). As well as avidly working with those who have been hurt the most, Christine has dedicated her professional life to educating others on the logic, normality, and commonality of dissociation. The summation of her work is to educate practitioners about the vital importance of their presence, patience, and care with those who have been through the most severe and brutal injuries so that they receive treatment with dignity and compassion. The four qualities of presence, patience, dignity, and compassion applied to every aspect of the therapeutic process can result in profound inner healing; something every human deserves to experience.

Presenter: Lisa M. Damgaard, MEd. (CP), CCC, CSAT, CMAT, SP, CST*
Presenter Bio: Marie Damgaard is Certified Canadian Counsellor who has worked in the area of sexuality and trauma for over fifteen years. Her research work began during her undergraduate degree, in the areas of aging and sexuality, and sexual experiences for men and women with parphillic and ‘non-normative’ sexual patterns. She works with the continuum of sexuality, from the shadow side (including compulsive sexual behaviour and the effect on their partners), to sex therapy and the rainbow end of the spectrum, with more nuanced behaviours through mutual negotiation and consent. Along with working alongside these populations, she has taught as a sessional instructor for the University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College and Red Crow College in the areas of Mental Health, Addictions Counselling and Psychology.


Available Credit

  • 3.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 3.00 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.

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  • ISSTD defines a student as those enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree or certification in the mental health field and who have an interest in trauma and dissociation. 
  • ISSTD defines an emerging professional as mental health professionals who have completed an advanced degree and are in the first three years of their career (or first three years after graduation for researchers).
  • If you do not fall into one of the above categories please register as Professional/Retired. 

These prices are for Tier I countries. For a list of countries by Tier click here. If you are located in a country that falls into Tier II-VI please contact ISSTD at cfas@isst-d.org to receive the appropriate discount code.