Session Five - Treatment and techniques Internal communication, collaboration (Discussion on use of workbooks and cautions concerning “manualization” of treatment)

Important Training Information

Session Five – Content Level: Intermediate and advanced
Treatment and techniques
Internal communication, collaboration
(Discussion on use of workbooks and cautions concerning “manualization” of treatment)

1.    Discuss the importance of taking dissociation in account when applying therapeutic modalities to clients with complex trauma and dissociation
2.    Summarize overall treatment strategies in phase oriented work with DID clients
3.    Discuss the use of techniques specific to working with DID, such as developing internal communications, collaboration, cooperation, etc.
4.    Describe the use of Treatment Manuals and identify possible pitfalls
5.    Apply theory to case material provided by the students and instructor

A.    Howell, EF (2011 Understanding and treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach, NY: NY Routledge, Chapter 10, pp. 187-209.
B.    Turkus, JA and Kahler, Jennifer A (2006) Therapeutic Interventions in the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 29:1, 245-262.
C.    Dorahy, M.J., Lewis-Fernández, R., Krüger, C., Brand, B.L., Şar, V., Ewing, J., Martínez-Taboas, A., Stavropoulos, P. & Middleton, W. (2017) The role of clinical experience, diagnosis, and theoretical orientation in the treatment of posttraumatic and dissociative disorders: A vignette and survey investigation, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 18:2, 206-222.
D.    Boon, S, Steele, K & van der Hart, O (2011) Skills training for patients and therapists. NY: NY, Norton, Chapter 7, pp. 70-81.
E.    Boon, S, Steele, K & van der Hart, O (2011) Skills training for patients and therapists. NY: NY, Norton, Chapter 25, pp. 301-313.
F.    Boon, S, Steele, K & van der Hart, O (2011) Skills training for patients and therapists. NY: NY, Norton, Chapter 26, pp. 323-333.

Timed outline:
15 minutes:    Discussion of Reading B and C – understanding the impact of dissociation when applying therapeutic modalities to treatment
5 minutes:      Discussion and cautions on the use of treatment manuals
40 minutes:    Discussion of Readings A, B and C –  overall treatment strategies and phase oriented treatment
60 minutes:    Discussion of Readings A, B, D, E and F – specific treatment strategies
30 minutes:    Discussion of application of theory and techniques to disguised case material from students

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.50 APA
    The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
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Available Credit

  • 2.50 APA
    The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

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