Session Two - How childhood abuse, trauma and neglect affect development
Session Two – Content Level: Beginning and intermediate
How childhood abuse, trauma and neglect affect development
By definition, complex trauma begins in childhood and continues over time. In this session, we will explore the outcomes of trauma at different developmental stages of childhood. Often, adults seeking therapy will not volunteer that they had a history of childhood abuse, but there are a number of symptoms that indicate a history of childhood trauma, which will be explored. The theory of betrayal trauma, as defined by Freyd, and its implications on the experience of trauma in children will be discussed. Time will be given to discuss case material as it relates to the readings.
After the completion of this class, participants will be able to:
1. Identify the outcomes of trauma at different developmental stages during childhood
2. Describe the symptoms in adults that indicate a further exploration for childhood trauma
3. Discuss the impact of betrayal trauma on children
A. Herman, JL (2015) Trauma and Recovery: The aftermath of violence – from domestic abuse to political terror. NY, NY: Basic Books, Chapter 5, pp. 96 – 114.
B. Courtois, CA, and Ford, JD (2013) Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach. NY, NY: The Guilford Press. Chapter 1, pp. 3 – 27.
C. Freyd, J: What is Betrayal Trauma
D. Gagnon, K.L., Lee, M.S. & DePrince, A.P. (2017) Victim–perpetrator dynamics through the lens of betrayal trauma theory, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 18:3, 373-382.
E. Krammer, S., Kleim, B., Simmen-Janevska, K. & Maercker, A. (2016) Childhood trauma and complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in older adults: A study of direct effects and social-interpersonal factors as potential mediators, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 17:5, 593-607.
Timed Outline:
30 minutes: Discussion of Reading A – outcomes of childhood trauma
30 minutes: Discussion of Reading B - outcomes of childhood trauma
45 minutes: Discussion of Reading C and D – impact of betrayal on children
45 minutes: Discussion of Reading E – symptoms in adults that point to childhood trauma
Available Credit
- 2.50 APAThe International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.