Stage Oriented Treatment of Trauma - Focus on Stabilization

This webinar will review the triphasic unfolding of psychotherapy for DID, DDNos and chronic PTSD. It will particularly focus on that which differs from standard psychotherapeutic engagement and will use DID as its paradigmatic and emblematic disorder. It will describe how to engage the DID patient in a planful, organized psychotherapy which will favor functional stability and support the unfolding of dissociated material contained within the personalities. This presentation will discuss the third reality where the personalities “live” and interact as well as the various types of personalities the therapy dyad is likely to encounter. Both their mapping and their development of hypnotic duality will be the preamble to the structuring of the fractionated abreactions – abreactions necessary for any blending or integration to occur. Methods and systems of containment will be described to further facilitate the successful resolutions of secreted suppressed material. This webinar will propose a methodology to facilitate the organic ebb and flow of this complex trauma-based therapy.

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Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 1.50 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.
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Presenter: Catherine G. Fine, PhD

Available Credit

  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
    This program is eligible for 1.50 credits in the ISSTD Certificate Program. No certificate of completion is generated for this type of credit.


ISSTD Member cost:
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