Abstracts"Faking it:" Stigma as a Barrier to Accessing and Continuing Mental Health Treatment among People who DissociateOnly 28-48% of people with
AbstractExploration of fantasy has been a neglected aspect of psychotherapy outside the purview of psychoanalysis.
AbstractThe racial justice protests of 2020 were an opportunity to unite people of all backgrounds.
AbstractElectroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback has been shown to alter critical brain networks associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resulting in sym
It is well-established in both the EMDR therapy and complex trauma-dissociative disorders literatures that self-state/parts-focused work with clients is frequently not only helpful but also necessary to achieve stabilization/containment, trauma resolution, and integration of treatment gains into how a person functions in day-to-day life.