Event date
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- Free to Members
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
Abstracts"Faking it:" Stigma as a Barrier to Accessing and Continuing Mental Health Treatment among People who DissociateOnly 28-48% of people with dissociative disorders receive mental health treatment despite a high need and desire for care. Individuals that do pursue treatment are often misdiagnosed, repeatedly hospitalized, and experience disbelief from providers about their trauma history and dissociative experiences. Stigma is believed to influence people's ability to access and continue mental health treatment.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractThe racial justice protests of 2020 were an opportunity to unite people of all backgrounds. Instead, the denial of racism and other forms of misinformation were responses taken by some news outlets and members of the public. Similarly, within the clinical context, there are always opportunities to create significant changes in the lives of our clients. However, some therapeutic approaches do not make adequate considerations for race, gender, and other socially constructed identities.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractElectroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback has been shown to alter critical brain networks associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), resulting in symptom alleviation among individuals with PTSD. A recent RCT has shown that alpha neurofeedback can lead to clinically meaningful reductions in PTSD symptoms. The mechanisms underlying these neuroplastic changes of alpha neurofeedback are beginning to be revealed and will be discussed during this lecture.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Seminar
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractArising from a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers, autoimmune diseases are a group of chronic disorders in which the body’s immune system cannot differentiate between the body and a foreign invader.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractA paradigm shift is under way in the human services because of breakthrough knowledge and research in understanding the underlying etiology of physical, emotional, and social problems at the micro-level of the individual, at the meso-level of the family and institutions, and at the macro-level of the entire society. The three levels of human existence – micro, mezzo, and macro – constitute interactive, interdependent, complex adaptive living systems.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB ACE
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractWhat is your ethical responsibility to clients with dissociation interacting who utilize online resources for support and social media? How culturally competent are you to understand these platforms and the benefits and risks of utilizing them? What has been the impact of the online community phenomena? Come learn about the real-time unfolding cultural development of the online dissociative experience. Understand the platforms, the “lingo”, and the culture, as well as how to effectively and sensitively provide services for these clients.
- Beginning/Introductory
- Conference
- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program