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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
​​​​​​​Psychotherapy outcome research shows that the relationship between therapist and client is highly predictive of therapy outcome. This is especially so for chronically traumatized persons, who have been relationally violated so often. In the therapy of complex trauma patients, there are six choice points that present typical relational challenges.
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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
After many early cautions about the potential dangers of using EMDR with individuals suffering from dissociative disorders, limited proposals have been offered for adapting EMDR procedures to this specific population.
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  • 6.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
​​​​​​​For many who first enter the field of dissociation and trauma, there is often not a great deal of information that describes the theoretical foundations and history of the dissociative field. This workshop is intended for students, emerging professionals and experienced practitioners who are interested in learning about the fundamentals of dissociation as a distinct response to trauma.
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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
The mind control (invasion) transference (MCT) is an extreme form of traumatic transference in patients with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and related very severe, complex dissociative trauma disorders. It is defined as he patient’s belief that the therapist’s overt helpfulness and concern is really in the interest of gaining access to the patient’s mind in order to malevolently invade and control the patient psychologically. To some extent, all DID patients have some aspect of this type of transference.
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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
​​​​​​​The webinar is based on the presenter’s experience of providing consultative supervision to practitioners working with RAMCOA. It explores how the impact of work with deeply disturbing material poses unique challenges to the supervisory relationship, calls existing frameworks for practice into question and can be experienced as undermining of established competencies by both supervisor and supervisee.
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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
​​​​​​​Ongoing incest during adulthood almost invariably incorporates one or more forms of organised sexual and other abuse - whether it be multi-generational familial sexual abuse, the involvement of groups of workmates and others associated with the father, organised child and adult prostitution, or groups of abusers associated with churches or cults.
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  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
This presentation features ways to understand and utilize blending skills for a variety of of problem situations faced by clinicians treating dissociative disorders. Our understanding of the development of alters in the lives of our patients/clients rests on the view that they emerge into consciousness in order to solve life problems encountered by abused children.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
While the neuroscience of trauma has become a burgeoning field in recent times, it is often difficult for clinicians to translate the research findings into clinically relevant signs and symptoms and to integrate this knowledge into treatment planning.
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
The goal of this webinar is to resource the listener so that the listener can avoid Vicarious Traumatization, Secondary Traumatic Stress and burnout while experiencing compassion satisfaction and professional growth.
