Event date
  • Advanced
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Conference
  • Intermediate
  • 9.00 APA
  • 9.00 ASWB ACE
  • 15.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
In a world that is constantly in flux, this recorded conference aims to explore a variety of topics that lend to supporting and building greater safety, stability, and hope amidst ongoing change and transition. Attendees will have access to a mix of 90-minute workshops that explore themes related to the role of attunement in practice, building cultural competency, treatment planning, consultation and supervision, vicarious trauma & resilience and resistance, shame, Neurobiology, and the role of ACES, Dissociation and Alexithymia as predictors of health-related quality of life.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Conference
  • Intermediate
  • 6.00 APA
  • 6.00 ASWB ACE
  • 7.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
Day Two of this virtual event featured a plenary workshop by Frank Corrigan and four of 90-minute presentations. This presentation was originally presented as a live conference session in October 2023.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Webinar
  • 1.50 APA
  • 1.50 ASWB ACE
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractReliable assessment of dissociation is essential for effective treatment of trauma survivors. The SCID-D Interview, considered the gold standard in the field, is an interactive, semi-structured interview for assessing dissociation in adolescents and adults (1). Over three decades of worldwide research and clinical use has proven the SCID-D’s ability to assess dissociative symptoms and disorders. Moreover, the SCID-D uncovers previously hidden dissociation in individuals suffering from PTSD, complex PTSD, and various other mental health conditions.
  • Advanced
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
  • 12.00 APA
  • 12.00 ASWB ACE
  • 15.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractThis content package is comprised of issues in Complex Trauma and Dissociation that can be related to Domestic Violence. Individuals with early childhood attachment wounding and trauma can end up on a trajectory to be engaged in violent domestic relationships. This package attempts to provide some broad strokes of knowledge to support a clinician's understanding of the depth and complexity that underlies Domestic Violence.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Conference
  • Intermediate
  • 3.00 APA
  • 3.00 ASWB ACE
  • 7.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
Day One features a plenary workshop by Sandra Bloom and four 90 Minute Workshops.These presentations were originally presented as part of a live online conference in October 2023.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Conference
  • Intermediate
  • Webinar
  • 15.00 APA
  • 15.00 ASWB ACE
  • 18.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
ISSTD is pleased to offer a robust gathering of trainings featuring our very own Living Legends. Included are webinars by Joyanna Silberg, David Spiegel, Suzette Boon, Ruth Lanius, Steve Gold, John O'Neil, Vedat Sar and more!
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Webinar
  • 6.00 APA
  • 6.00 ASWB ACE
  • 6.00 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractThis full day webinar, will offer the clinician training on how to do an in-depth assessment, how to use assessment tests and tools, how to do a psychodynamic formulation of the client based on the assessment and a discussion of clinical material based on actual, disguised cases.To begin, there will be an overview of how an initial assessment of a patient/client ought to be done, what ought to be included in any clinical assessment of a patient/client in assessing diagnosis and judging appropriate treatment recommendations.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
AbstractThis presentation will begin with a focus on defining Vicarious Trauma and associated terms. Next, we will focus on the potential impacts of Vicarious Trauma on the trauma therapist, both personally and professionally. A primary goal of this workshop will be to help trauma therapists recognize current risk factors in their own practices and spot early signs of Vicarious Trauma so they can implement measures to reduce the impact of Vicarious Trauma before it leads to burnout.This session was originally presented as a live webinar in March 2021.
  • Beginning/Introductory
  • Free to Members
  • Webinar
  • 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
