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- 1.50 APASee more
AbstractThe current research explores the intersection with dissociation and the most commonly treated mental health presentations: depression and anxiety. It also addresses the research gap about the relationship between dissociation and autism.
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- 3.00 APASee more
Abstract:Assessing dissociative disorders is challenging for many clinicians because:
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- 1.50 ISSTD Certificate Program
While the neuroscience of trauma has become a burgeoning field in recent times, it is often difficult for clinicians to translate the research findings into clinically relevant signs and symptoms and to integrate this knowledge into treatment planning.
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- 6.00 APASee more
This full day webinar series will feature four different 90 minute Child and Adolescent focused presentations.
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- 1.50 APASee more
AbstractReliable assessment of dissociation is essential for effective treatment of trauma survivors. The SCID-D Interview, considered the gold standard in the field, is an interactive, semi-structured interview for assessing dissociation in adolescents and adults (1). Over three decades of worldwide research and clinical use has proven the SCID-D’s ability to assess dissociative symptoms and disorders. Moreover, the SCID-D uncovers previously hidden dissociation in individuals suffering from PTSD, complex PTSD, and various other mental health conditions.